Years ago the Temple was being built up on the hill on Bountiful Boulevard. I was training for a marathon and doing long runs with my friend. One evening we ran along Bountiful boulevard. The sun set and the evening turned dark. Suddenly off in the distance the lights came on at the Bountiful Temple for the very first time. There up ahead of us getting closer and closer was the light. We could hear the beat of our feet on the road but couldn’t see much in the dim light around us but up ahead of us we could see the temple.
As we ran up to the temple, people had come from all over to be there. They were driving by in cars and milling around the sidewalk. People had been drawn to the light and had come to see and be near it.
As an artist I’m drawn to paint certain things. I’m captivated by the pattern of shadows or colors or just a feeling of a place. Ideas pop into my head and I have to get them down on paper. The other night at the Temple grounds in Laie was such a night. There was a concert at the visitor center and after, people went outside on the grounds and just hung around. The sun was setting and shining on clouds that could have been painted by N. C. Wyeth. It was a night to just be still and look at the beauty around us. So I had to try and capture the feeling of that evening.

It is also freeing to start a sketch right on the watercolor painting. There is a freshness that comes from seeing the idea in your mind and then just going for it on the paper. You do have to have some good experience in sketching. You don’t want to erase too much on your watercolor paper because you will lose your surface. I took a workshop from Charles Reid. He said you don’t want to paint until you know what your next paint strokes will be. So before I ever put paint on the above painting, I’ll figure out what I need to do and in what order.

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Dear Sherry, I love how you are teaching principles about good watercoloring also in your blog. You are such an inspiration, and I love the scriptures you add.
I am doing just a drop in the bucket better each day. I feel so blessed and protected that it wasn’t worse, even though I needed to come home.
The x ray showed bruised but not broken ribs, which is very remarkable with what I was feeling at the time. I thought I had several broken ribs. I’m in pain, but not severe, and healing I’m sure. I surely love you dear friends, and we pray for you in our Family prayers.
Love, Pal
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 10:50 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” Years ago the Temple was being built up on the > hill on Bountiful Boulevard. I was training for a marathon and doing long > runs with my friend. One evening we ran along Bountiful boulevard. The sun > set and the evening turned dark. Suddenly off in the dis” >