Sometimes while traveling through this life we don’t recognize the blessings that accompany us on the road. This is what happened to the two travelers on the road to Emmaus. Even though their hearts burned within, they didn’t realize who walked with them. It wasn’t until after the experience that their eyes were opened and they saw the great blessing they participated In.
It’s good to spend some time just looking on blessings that the Lord has blessed us with and just recognize when he walks the road with us. He is there wanting to bless and help us with our long suffering, brotherly kindness, and patience.
Dave and I were able to travel to the holy land years ago. I didn’t know what use the photos I took would have in the future. I was able to use two of the photos as the background for this painting. I could remember the heat on the land and the color of the dust on my feet. It added to this painting. This painting is watercolor and collage with a varnish finish so it can be framed without glass. Art blesses the lives of those who view it. Some times with a smile. Some times with a lifting of our souls. Some times with seeing things we wouldn’t have seen any other way.