© 2022 SherryMeidell.com

The artwork on this website is copyrighted to the artist Sherry Meidell and may not be used without the express permission of the artist.

Hukilau Beach

Some artists have a hard time finding something to paint. I find paintings all around me. There is so much beauty in this world. All you have to do is take the time to see it. You learn something from sitting out in the wind and hearing the ocean waves. You find out about place. You see colors you wouldn’t see from a photo. You smell the moisture in the air. Painting is a great way to capture a place. The above watercolor sketch is from my watercolor sketch book. Its a place to keep all those memories.

So now you’ve found the beauty, its time to be grateful. Grateful for eyes to see. Grateful for so much subtlety of color and grateful for brushes and paint. Grateful for family and friends to share it with. Beauty is all around us no matter where we are. We just need to take the time to pause, and see.

What beauty have you seen today?

Just off the point.

4 Responses

  1. I enjoy watching you paint and share! What a woman of many talents! Want to thank you so much for your service and time for Utah Watercolor Society! Time away from your own painting is truly dedication to a cause. And UWS is a good cause! Thank you, Sherry!

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