Some of the most asked questions in workshops and demonstrations I teach are “What brush are you using?” “What paints are you using?” “What paper are you using?” One of the nice things about art is that with a pencil or pen and a piece of paper or sketch book you can take your art anywhere. You can pull them out and discreetly practice capturing the scene before you. You can focus on value, motion, humor. You can sketch ideas that are floating around in your head. You can work on design principles. You can work on story ideas.

Elder Gong and his wife Susan gave a devotional for young adults in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Sister Gong quoted President Nelson: “Education is the difference between wishing you could help other people and being able to.” That’s what practicing art does for me. The more I practice and immerse myself in art, the more likely I am to put the ideas in my head down on paper in some sort of a pleasing manner. Elder Gong said, “Art inspires new ways to see God’s goodness.” Those ideas and the ability to see the beauty around us has become a life-long pursuit for me.

‘Here is the link for the devotional if you want to watch it. Devotional
A Pencil and a Piece of Paper On Wednesday, January 13, 2021, SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” A page from my sketchbook Some of the most asked > questions in workshops and demonstrations I teach are “What brush are you > using?” “What paints are you using?” “What paper are you using?” One of the > nice things about art is that with a pencil or p” >
A Pencil and a Piece of Paper, a great combination
Thanks Cathy They dothejob.