I am so excited to be participating in the Alliance of Covenant Artists Spring 2020 Bicentennial Exhibition. It is a celebration in art of the first vision which occurred 200 years ago this spring. The first vision was the heavens opening up and laying the foundation for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Joseph Smith as a young 14 year old boy read in James 1:5 “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God”. We are surrounded by people in our life who influence us and support us. We can talk to them of things that are important to us. We can count on their love and support. I thought of Joseph’s mother and her love and concern for her son and his search for divine guidance. We all need loving support in our lives. And people during this Covid-19 pandemic are finding great ways to support and reach out to others while still keeping safe. There are collages of James 1:5 in English, Korean and Spanish to symbolize the influence this vision has had on the world.
The exhibition was going to take place at the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City during General Conference. But now it will be online and if all goes well with this beautiful world, the exhibit will be in real life at the Washington DC Temple visitors center.
You can find this painting and others at the link below. There are two galleries: First Vision Gallery One and Faithful Saints Gallery Two. Mine will be in the first gallery. Scroll down to Commendation Certificates. Enjoy the exhibit as you sit in your pajamas and sip some hot chocolate.
Hi Sherry. I will miss seeing you at the Symposium which can’t be had this Spring. Sorry you had to come home from the beautiful Hawaii. Will you go back? Well, I have a few paintings in the ACA show too. I wasn’t on a mission so Its great that you were able to enter. Love, Mafs
Hey MaryAnn. I was so excited to get in. It would have been fun to see you at the symposium. Maybe next year.