There are places in this world, beautiful places that help us remember God and his many blessings. A holy place for Hawaiians is the mountain Mauna Kea. Tall mountains draw men closer to God. There are people in this world, beautiful people that are good and kind. They remind us of the goodness in mankind and make us want to treat others tenderly. I just saw the movie “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.” about Mr. Rogers. After the movie you felt like hugging a stranger and praying for people by name.
One of the beautiful places in this world is the Laie Hawaii Temple. The palm-lined view from the Kamehameha Highway draws you up toward that Light on the hill. It is nearing the 100-year anniversary of its dedication, November 27, 2019. It is a place that has drawn people to God and inspired them to treat others with kindness. One hundred years ago, as part of the dedication ceremonies, the young children were invited to go into the temple‘s Celestial Room with the prophet Heber J. Grant. They sang “Whose on the Lords Side Who” and promised to be on the Lord’s side, which means treating others in a kind, loving way, in a way that you would like to be treated.
Sunday the primary children gathered again at the temple grounds. Over 600 children and their loved ones came to find out more about this Holy Place and to get a ring pop. They looked at the amazing statues by J. Leo and Avard Fairbanks. They searched for the central figure in the middle of three of the friezes. It was Jesus Christ. They looked at the statue of Lehi blessing his son Joseph. They watched the video of Papi who traveled every day to the temple, starting by bus and then finishing the trip by biking up the hill. Dave and I stood by the friezes and pointed out the different people portrayed there. It was good to be a part of this celebration.

I have find this post very interesting thanks
Thank you dear Sherry! I love your e mails. I’ve been taking classes up at the Layton Family History Center and in January I’m going to start a part-time Mission there. There are 12 required classes and I’ve had 11 of them in this last month. And I will be working 2 days a week Wednesday from 8:30 till 3 and Friday from 8:30 until 1 so I’m really looking forward to that. It will be really neat to be able to wear the missionary tag again!❤
On Wed, Nov 27, 2019, 12:58 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” There are places in this world, beautiful places > that help us remember God and his many blessings. A holy place for > Hawaiians is the mountain Mauna Kea. Tall mountains draw men closer to > God. There are people in this world, beautiful people that are go” >
That’s pretty exciting Pal. Nice to hear from you.