So it’s time to take off our missionary badges. It’s been an interesting time. We have been able to experience the Aloha of the people working and serving at the Brigham Young University Hawaii, the Polynesian Cultural Center, and the Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors Center. We’ve grown to love students from all over the world, from Guatemala to Mongolia, from Tonga to Japan, from New Zealand to Texas. We’ve served and grown to love the steadfastness and perseverance of other senior missionaries. I’ve learned that the Lord has need of a crazy artist along with her religion teaching husband.
We had our world shaken up when we were instantly called home during a world-wide pandemic but still able to serve remotely online. I’ve taught art classes in person and on zoom (dealing with bad internet, bad vision, new adjustments for teachers and students). I’ve felt the love of the Lord for me and people all over the world. I’ve felt His influence for good in my life and in the life of those beautiful people around me. I’ve heard prayers given and seen prayers answered. There is so much good and beauty in this world.
So we’ve finished up at home but still able to serve. May God keep you all safe and able to help those around you. It bounces back into your life with blessings more than you can number.

Here is a link to my latest you tube video “On the Road to Emmaus”.
What will I do after my mission? Same thing I did before and during. PAINT.
Sherry you are amazing,wonderful,thoughtful,kind,talented,friendly,spiritual, giving and knowledgeable. and I love you.
Nice Beth. I got both comments. And to both comments, a sweet thank you.
When you report at church by Zoom will you give me a link?
Artist on a Mission – Aloha Oe
Thanks Cathy