Its easy to find things to paint, they are all around us. Most of the time I have many more ideas than time. Sometimes a painting will appear right before you. You raise the camera and-click-you’ve captured the moment. But a painting can capture more than a photo can.
I saw this senior missionary ready for a hike with the light hitting just right on his lifeguard hat. I took the picture. The beauty of shadows can get lost in photographs and rediscovered in watercolor. There was a nice glow on the face caused by the reflected light from the pavement. The painting isn’t a copy of the photograph but a new creation.

Sometimes a sketch will capture more than the camera can. But you have to be quick with your pen. There can be no hesitation. This lady was captured in a waiting room. You can capture a fine sketch with just a few lines. Sometimes it’s like magic coming from the end of the pen.
Ecclesiates 3:11 He hath made everything beautiful in his time.
I really like your choices of postings. I am an artist and sketcher by heart.
Thank you. I love sketching also. I love capturing things I see on paper. Keep at it.
I’m a wannabe artist and your simple but elegant watercolour has got me all fired up to start. I loved your sketch too. Tnx for sharing!