When you walk along the beach close enough to the water to get your toes wet, any impression you make is washed away by the power of the waves.

Footprints in the sand can be covered by a shifting in the wind. What influence can we have if our footsteps are washed away by the waves or blown away by the shifting sand?

We hiked down Ka’ena Point on Saturday. We saw Albatross chicks and a Monk Seal. We hiked with a brand new sister missionary from New Zealand. Her kindness and spirit touched our hearts in a way that cannot be washed away by the waves and the sand.

I guess at the end of the day it is the people we love and influence for good that we have a lasting influence on. “I have been changed for good” by many people in my life. Perhaps a little help with some English words and a little information about art will influence other people for good and change their lives.
“And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people will be my people and thy God my God:” Ruth 2:16, 17
I truly love your beautiful e mails, Sherr! They are not only artistic, but each has a lovely inspirational thought or more! Love, Pal
On Wed, May 22, 2019, 10:16 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” When you walk along the beach close enough to the > water to get your toes wet, any impression you make is washed away by the > power of the waves. Footprints in the sand can be covered by a shifting in > the wind. What influence can we have if our footste” >
Hey Pal. Thank you and nice to hear from you.
People from New Zealand are great aren’t they! Looks like you are doing great.
Thanks Becky. Things are going good here.
Thank you for sharing your work and impressions
Loved the photos! and insprirional