“Wind Blown Sand” was in good company at the St. George Art Museum. It shared some space with “Monolith” by Maynard Dixon 1909. The abovet article is from the St. George Art Museum Newsletter.
One day my husband and I were stuck in traffic heading into San Francisco. Traffic was crawling and our car was barely moving. But it was a great opportunity to snap some pictures for future paintings. The gentleman in the watercolor below was vacuuming his car at a local car wash. He made a great demo for the watercolor class over here at BYU Hawaii.

My friend Sister Kimura posted this comment on prayer from me on Face Book I thought I would share it here also

What prayer has meant in my life?
Prayer has been a part of my life since I was little. I’ve always prayed to a loving Heavenly Father who listens to my prayers. He has been there to guide and comfort me from my first memories until now. I can kneel to Him in times of great stress and plead for His blessings to be with my loved ones. I can ask for His guidance when I wonder which direction to go. I can ask His forgiveness when I do something wrong and need to repent. I can look out the window in the morning and thank Him for the beauty I see everyday. This morning I thanked Him for the wind blowing through the palm trees and the beautiful orange that kissed the edge of the clouds. When I’m far from those I love, I can ask Him to watch over them and send blessings their way.
Sister Kimura is part of a group of young sister missionaries that serve up here at the visitors center. If you have questions about prayer, you can go to ComeuntoChrist.org and get some answers from these young missionaries.
Love you, Sister Meidell!!!!
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Love you Carol.