So we are a collector family which makes it quite nice if you want to paint a still life. Oooooooooh look, a round rock. Ooooooh look a little metal cream and sugar set. Oooooh look an old photograph. Oooooooh look a dead crab. If you are picking up a dead crab from off the beach, then you have a deadline. You have to paint quickly so as to not stink up your whole apartment. But it is great fun to try and capture the beauty in simple objects.
But here on Hawaii there is a beauty that can’t be picked up, put in your pocket and brought home. At the great suggestion of my brother-in-law, we went out one morning to capture the sunrise coming out of the ocean and the sunset going into the ocean on the same day.

Sometimes the view was not in front of you but behind you where the effects of the sun were being seen long before it peeked out of the ocean.

Sometimes the view was in front of you.

So like bookends we ended the day sitting at Sunset Beach. James Gurney had a great blog post on July 30th, 2019 about whether there was a difference in colors when looking at sunrise and sunset. Visually it was the same beautiful colors. Emotionally there was a difference. One, you had the whole day in front of you with the adventure and promise it would bring. At sunset it was a quiet feeling, a feeling of ending, the close of day, a contemplation on what the day had brought.

So if you zoom in on the painting above you can see a treasure I found on the crab. A natural God-made smiley face that I might never have seen if I hadn’t picked it up gingerly by one claw and carried it all the way back home. Does anyone know the name of this crab?
Genesis 3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
If you want to check out James Gurney’s blog post on sunset and sunrise, the link is below. If I were more tech savvy it would have linked to the exact post but scroll down and you’ll find it.
James Gurney’s Blog Gurney Journey on Sunrise and Sunset
Beautiful again, Sherry!😊❤
On Wed, Jul 31, 2019, 11:47 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” So we are a collector family which makes it quite > nice if you want to paint a still life. Oooooooooh look, a round rock. > Ooooooh look a little metal cream and sugar set. Oooooh look an old > photograph. Oooooooh look a dead crab. If you are picking up a ” >
Thanks Pal. And thanks for reading.