No amount of words can express what is happening in my heart. We have grown to love the students here from all over the world. We have learned of the great strength and kindness that they possess. We have been inspired by the depth of spirit of the People who live and work in Laie, and Hauula and Kahuku. Their testimonies speak of faith and love of others and their ancestors and family. We have loved the young sister missionaries and their resilience and smiles. We have loved the professors who teach and work at the university. We have loved the other senior missionaries that have strengthened our faith and brightened our time here, people that I got to know for a short time but who will be carved into my heart forever. I will miss the drum beats and singing from the students at the Polynesian Cultural Center. And the random fire crackers that go off in the neighborhood.
I love my Heavenly Father. I have felt His blessings in my life. I feel his love and help as we head back to Utah. God bless us all and help us as we try to help and love and strengthen others during this unsure time in the world’s history.

We will love knowing you are home safely, but miss seeing you at church. If you ever feel like doing any watercoloring with 1 or 2 healthy friends, count me in! Love, Pal
On Sat, Mar 21, 2020, 3:43 PM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” No amount of words can express what is happening > in my heart. We have grown to love the students here from all over the > world. We have learned of the great strength and kindness that they > possess. We have been inspired by the depth of spirit of the Peop” >
Hey Pal. We are not quite home yet Nd then we will be self quarantined for two weeks.