The senior missionaries in Hawaii were called home because of the Corona Virus. We did not have a lot of time to pack up and clean up. We traveled through airports with people wearing surgical face masks. We arrived at the Salt Lake Airport with luggage heavier than it should be. We walked outside from Hawaii sunshine and pleasant temperature into cold wind in your face and a bleak winter grayness in the sky.
We climbed into a truck that had been delivered by a son who ran back to get into his family car filled with his wife and kids. We drove our friends who were also leaving their mission in Hawaii and flying with us, up to their home in Providence.
We drove home and walked into our basement where we are self quarantining for two weeks. The son and daughter-in=law upstairs with our three grandkids had set up the basement for our comfort. We have more room in the basement than we did in Hawaii and grandkids to talk to through the window.

We are still on our mission and doing classes online remotely for BYU Hawaii. Our hearts and prayers are with the students at the University, and the people that we have grown to love in Hawaii. We are going to join in the worldwide fast that President Neisen has asked for. We are praying for all the people that inhabit this beautiful world.
I have put up a video on You Tube of a watercolor painting demo. It is for my watercolor students at BYU Hawaii but you welcome to have a look and try the painting. Hunker down and stay safe.
Here is the link to the You tube Video and the picture that I used for the demo. Enjoy
Here is the link to President Nelson’s call for a worldwide fast.

I love getting your posts. ‘So sorry you had to come home. I’m sure the Church is doing what is best for everyone. Our grandson in Montana is still there. He and his companion are making a Facebook post each day answering frequently asked questions about the Church. It’s not enough to fill their days but social media is helping them fulfill their callings as missionaries.
My love to you, Margo
Thanks Margo.
Did you see me wave at your house this morning? I was looking at the furniture out front. Sorry you had to come home but it’s probably good. Can’t wait to see you. I need to make a run to Blick in the next few days. I’m almost out of turp. Let me know if you need anything dropped off.
Thanks Becky. Sorry I didn’t see you. I’m good for art supplies. Hope your painting is going well.