So there’s the sister I shared a room with, and an iron-barred double bed. I would tap to the middle bar, then bring my arm down like a hatchet to make sure she was not on my side of the bed. A bedroom can be tight quarters for two sisters, and there is much to learn from sharing a room. We fought until the day we became dear friends.
There are the Senior Sister Missionaries here that come and go. They touch your life for a brief moment. They help lighten your load and you stand amazed at their talents and kindness. They teach you to decorate your table with seasonal cutouts like a kindergarten teacher. They bring their talents to share with others.
There are the young sister missionaries that serve at the visitor center and are so full of good, righteous, youthful energy. They greet you daily as they run up and down the stairs by our apartment. They wonder if we know how to get into a coconut. We do not.
So here’s two sisters who have the world ahead of them. They shared some moments at the Luau Show. I tried to capture their energy and connection to each other in this watercolor.
It’s so good to talk to you dear folks via e mail! I am on my third week as a family history missionary in the Layton Family History Center. I’m truly enjoying it and learning a really lot. I love your paintings and just really love to hear more about your mission. We haven’t heard from you for about 3 weeks and so I hope you haven’t been sick. We talk about you every now and then and the ward is kind of different now with quite a few of them being divided off into the new 11th ward. But we really love you folks and I think you’ll be in our ward when you come home. I imagine you are having wonderful times there and really enjoying that beautiful place to be. Love from Pal
On Wed, Jan 29, 2020, 10:53 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” So there’s the sister I shared a room with, and > an iron-barred double bed. I would tap to the middle bar, then bring my arm > down like a hatchet to make sure she was not on my side of the bed. A > bedroom can be tight quarters for two sisters, and there is” >
Hey Pal, No I haven’t been sick but just starting the new semester and trying to get my ducks in a row. We are doing good. Sounds like you are too.
This is a cute one.
Thanks Becky. This was a fun painting.