So after a two week voluntary quarantining in the cupboard under the stairs, I’m back up the stairs and in my studio. It has been nice to sit at the familiar art table and look out the windows at the mountains. It would be nice to have those familiar things around me such as family sitting down together to eat dinner and hugs from loved ones, friends opening the front door and yelling a greeting and walking in.
So the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has asked again for a day of fasting and prayer tomorrow, April 10. So along with social distancing and trying not to go to the store to buy non-essential items like barbecued potato chips, black licorice, or a Mars Bar, (I did forage around in my art room and found an old See’s Caramel sucker which had the wrapper stuck to it and took great diligence to get it all off before I plopped it in my mouth), I’ll be fasting tomorrow and praying for blessings to be upon those who are on the front lines and that this pandemic might be brought under control. I would like to invite you all to join in. There is power in prayer and there is power in uniting in prayer and fasting. We are all children of God and this is a crisis that we have all been dealing with all over the world. I pray that the Lord will bless us with patience and long suffering and relief. God bless us, everyone.

Oh dear Sherry, you always make me laugh! Have so enjoyed your mission art! Glad you are home and especially out of under the stairs! Yes, prayer and fasting does mighty things. Just think of all the folks doing the same thing tomorrow! Stay in touch! Loves
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 9:24 AM SherryMeidell’sTeetertotterTales wrote:
> Sherry Meidell posted: ” So after a two week voluntary quarantining in > the cupboard under the stairs, I’m back up the stairs and in my studio. It > has been nice to sit at the familiar art table and look out the windows at > the mountains. It would be nice to have those fam” >
Thank you. Now I got to get my feet underneath me. Hope all is well with you.