© 2022 SherryMeidell.com

The artwork on this website is copyrighted to the artist Sherry Meidell and may not be used without the express permission of the artist.


Artist on a Mission – Muscle Memory

Straight vs. Curved Lines

The muscles in the arm can also be trained to draw. You use your eyes to see and your brain to analyze angles and shapes and value. Your arm moves searching for the figure, finding where one angle or line meets another. The more you practice, the more all these parts learn to work together. With enough practice, when you draw from your imagination, your arm can take over and it’s almost like drawing from life. It’s important to practice both, drawing from life and from your imagination.


Models all around.

Muscles get stronger with use. It’s the same with prayer or finding that quiet time in life when you can feel inspiration from above. It gets stronger with use. Life is busy so stepping back from the chaos and taking a moment to look at the beauty around us can bless our lives.

The Good Shepherd


“The Lord promises that when His shepherds feed His lambs and sheep, those in His fold “shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking.”

Good Shepherd, Lamb of God by Elder Gerri’s Gong April General Conference 2019 

Artist on a Mission – Fitting It In

Maintaining your heritage.

One comment I often hear is “I don’t have time to paint.” “I don’t have time to sketch.” “After I finish my day, I’m too tired to draw.” Some times that is true. Because of life and circumstances, we might be too tired to create. But it is also true you can fit it in between the cracks of time. If you have a sketch book and carry it with you, you can pull it out and sketch. Models are all around you. They are in restaurants and PTA meetings. You can pull them out at a devotional and sketch and take notes. It keeps you alert and engaged with the speaker and you end up with a nice illustrated journal .

Honoring those who have gone before.
Sharing that heritage with others.


Polynesian Culture Center

Artist on a Mission – Preparation

Pencil sketch for future

My son trained to run a marathon. He trained almost everyday, taking a break on Sundays. He worked up the miles from 5 to 6 to 8. He ran 10 miles and slowly built up to 12, 15, and 18 mile runs. He trained his body to endure the longer runs. The day of the marathon he met one of his buddies at the start line.  They took off running at a good pace, running stride for stride. They chatted a bit while they ran. They chatted about training. My son’s friend said, “I never ran over 10 miles in my training.” My son said, “Ooooh.” About 4 minutes later they hit the 10 mile mark. My son’s friend gave a sigh and drifted back behind my son and out of sight. He had met the level of his training and his body couldn’t keep up.

Like a race, you can prepare for paintings. Some training and some warming up of the muscles can help you get off to a good start. The years of sketching in your sketch book can help your drawing ability. In the above sketch, I’m trying to get to know my subject and becoming familiar with the angles and pose. I’m also starting to think of the finished painting. What do I want it to look like. Below is a rough value study . These get me thinking of what I want to have the finished painting look like. It’s like practicing before you begin.


I also want to think about the design of the entire painting. By doing some thumbnails, I can think about design and see in my minds eye the impact that I want to create with the design and values of my watercolor. It helps me get into my painting and prepares me so that when I start to paint, I can paint for the whole 24 miles so I can finish the marathon. So go ahead and paint and create.

1 Cor. 9:24

24 ​Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints

Artist on a Mission – Called to Serve

“Called to Serve” 15” x 20” watercolor on paper

I love the effect of the light on this couple. The woman’s face is pushed back into the shadow. There is that nice, rich black behind them, tying them together visually. Then there is the shadow lines of the lawn chairs that lead you into the figures. There is the shadow on the wall behind that leads right to the woman and then her hand catches us and leads to the plate and the knees of the man. Your eyes get lost in the details of their lives.

They have given up the comfort of routine, home and family bringing their expertise and a few belongings packed in a suitcase with them.. They are serving the Lord in a unique way, bringing their life-learned skills with them. The service we give to others, lifts them up. They see the love of God in the kindness shared by others.

Braided rope

Each act of kindness binds together like the strands of this braided rope bringing strength to the recipient and the giver.

D&C 4:2-3 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;


The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints.


Artist on a Mission – Guided by the Light

The Ocean Voyaging Canoe, The Iosepa

We are all travelers here. We are on a voyage. We may plan and prepare but sometimes much like when we create a painting, we end up somewhere we didn’t expect.

The Star Compass

On a  Voyaging Canoe, in the middle of the night ocean, the travelers can be guided by the rising and the setting of the stars. The night sky is memorized like the tying of the knots in the rope. They know where the moon is even when it is hidden by the earth.




We can be guided on our journey here. We can listen to the quiet whispering of the good voices in our lives. We can learn from those that have gone before. We can put all we learn in our tool box so we can share them with others to help them find their way.

Ukelele player at the Tahiti Devotional

Yiu can see the Iosepa at the Polynesian Cultural Center. The link is below.


Polynesian Cultural Center


Artist on a Mission – Anticipation


Pencil Sketch Direct on the watercolor Paper. Proposed  title: “Called to Serve”

So here is the pencil sketch sitting on the watercolor paper. It’s waiting for the first splash of color. It’s just sitting there waiting for what is to come next. What will the end product be? It takes some courage to put that first bit of paint on the paper. It takes some courage to dive into a new year of school, start a new job, try to change an old habit.

There is anticipation in the air here on campus. People are gearing up in their heads for new adventures, new classes, new homework. It takes courage and hard work but that’s where the growth comes from. You have to go ahead and put the paint on the paper or it will never be a painting.


“Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

Thomas S. Monson Ensign May 2009


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints 

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