The Party’s Over, It’s Time For The Work To Begin.

Here is my Bear Poppy Trailhead Painting. I have been enjoying it on my mantel with my Christmas decorations, but now it’s time to put the decorations away and get ready for January. This painting is going down to the Sears Dixie Invitational where hopefully it will find a new home for others to enjoy.
There was a line of nine or so Grandkids in the kitchen holding paper plates. I was dishing up spaghetti, the perfect Christmas Vacation meal.
“How much spaghetti do you want?” PLOP
“Do you want red sauce?” DRIZZLE
”Do you want cheese? It’s mozzarella. No, we don’t have Parmesan.” SPRINKLE
”Here is your fork and go sit down at the table.”
”No, you can’t have ice cream until you eat something good. No, caramels are in the same category as ice cream.”
”You have to wait until everyone is dished up before you ask for seconds.”
And the parents ate after the kids. It was a great Christmas vacation with lots of kids and chaos and joy and laughter. Thanks to all of you who bought giclee’ prints and paintings. I hope they bring you great joy.
But now it’s time to get back to some art projects. I have to get my presentation ready for the St. George Art Museum. The show is up now but the official opening ceremony will be January 17th, 2019 at 6 – 7pm. Becky Hartvigsen and I will be doing an art talk from 7 – 8 pm. The address is 47 N. 200 E., St. George, Utah. Come and join us for a great night.
Upcoming Events
“Friends in Art” January 17, 2019: St. George Art Museum 47 N. 200 E., St. George, Utah, Opening of show 6 – 7 pm and art talk 7 – 8 pm. with Sherry Meidell and Becky Hartvigsen
“Living the Creative Life” Library, Vernal Utah February 7, 2019 We will talk about making books. The size of the class is limited so contact the library to reserve your spot. (Time to be announced later.)
”Illustration and Caricatures that Live in your Paintings or Books” Two day workshop in Vernal, Utah for the Uintah Artists Association. February 8th and 9th from 9 am to 4:30 pm.
Dixie Invitational Opening Gala and Show February 15, 2019 Sears Art Museum Gallery 155 S. University Ave., St. George, Utah