Art in Transit
I just received a video from Aurora Hughes Villa who is the Cache Valley School District’s Art Coordinator, about the artist-in-residence that I was invited to participate in at Evergreen Elementary School. The student art was put into a city bus up in Logan, Utah.
Here are a few of the things that I thought the students got out of the experience:
Students witnessed the creation of art in person and the fun an artist can have creating art.
It gave kids confidence in their own decisions.
It helped teachers be ok with a little creative chaos.
How to begin and how to end their own project.
How to take a risk.
How to follow directions.
Helped kids go beyond the directions.
Helped kids to reach out and ask questions.
Students had the joy in seeing something they created, displayed for others to see.
One boy that never commented in class before, raised his hand excitedly and contributed his answer to the group.
Art really did become a way to communicate.
Here is a link to the Video