Here is the schedule for the Nauvoo Havenlight Gallery Show July 26th through July 28th, 2018 with me and Becky Hartvigsen. If you are in the area, drop in, take a look at the art and say hello. We would love to see you. I’m excited to head back to Nauvoo.

Becky and I spent some time last November taking pictures and doing research in Nauvoo for this show. We met some great people. There was the lady at the sandwich shop that sold great jams and soup. There was the sister missionary who invited us up to her place to have the best homemade salad for lunch. There was a great couple who shared their historic home with us, took us out to dinner, and took us on a tour of some of the historic places in and around Nauvoo. The manager of the Gallery, at the time, invited us into his home for dinner and some great conversation.

I like to catch a snippet of life that people might not always pay attention to. There are a lot of beautiful farms along the road.

A family tradition of the Taylor family has a story about the rocking horse that is in the upstairs of the John Taylor home in Nauvoo. John Taylor was no stranger to hatred and angry mobs. He had been shot about five times in Carthage jail. He lay wounded in Carthage while those around him harassed him with angry words. He made it back to the safety of Nauvoo. Eventually the mob action threatened Nauvoo and the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints had to load what belongings they could in wagons and leave Nauvoo. Many precious things were left behind including John Taylor’s boy’s rocking horse. The boy was inconsolable. John Taylor snuck back into Nauvoo under the cover of darkness and retrieved the horse. This story talks to me about the love of a father for his son. Nauvoo has many stories. One of the conflicts over this story is that the children were older and wouldn’t have used the rocking horse.
Six Prints of “To Buy Johnny A Galloping Horse” will be available at the show.