Thanks for joining me for this Inktober challenge. The challenge is from illustrator Jake Parker, who gave a great presentation with Will Terry at our local SCBWI illustrators conference, to do an ink drawing and post it every day in October. For the last two years my ink drawings have told a non fiction story. This year it was the story of Harry who later became known as B.H. Roberts.
There is a lady in my ward who came up to me and said that her family had someone die and be buried at Chimney Rock. She figured out that the story was about her great grandfather’s trek to Salt Lake.
I plan what story I want to tell and break it down into 31 days, which this year somehow I skipped a day so the last sketch was due to the error in my planning. I start the sketches on October !st. If I have to go out of town for some reason, then I will do two sketches a day to plan for that.
Why do this? It gives you great confidence as an illustrator to be able to look at the story in the morning and watch the drawing appear from your mind to the paper. There is usually sometime during the month where I go, “Oh no why am I doing this. But there is great satisfaction at the end of the month. It is also fun to read the comments of people who follow along with the story. I like to sketch in ink. I got into the habit of sketching in ink when I noticed that my sketches in pencil were smearing in the sketch book that I carried around with me. It gives you great confidence in your sketching because there is no turning back once you put ink to paper. I suppose there is white out and photoshop but not having the immediate ability to erase makes you quicker in your sketches. So thanks again for joining me in this months ride.
Thanks for sharing your talent of enhancing the written word with illustrations! Loved it. Hugs, Karen
Thank you for your comments. It was fun to share the story with you all.
I have really enjoyed this Sherry; thank you!
Thanks Anne
I totally LOVED it!!!!!! 😘
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Thank you