Thanks to all of you who have joined me on this Inktober journey. I got to know Jumbo and Matthew Scott as I drew them this month. If you would like to know more of this true story, you can read Candace Flemings story “A Jumbo Story” in the book Guys Read: True Stories by Jon Scieszka. I got to know my pen better this month and how to put some pen and ink to paper. It became something I looked forward to. Thanks for your comments and sharing this month with me.
Great job, Sherry! I enjoyed each new drawing and installment in the story.
Hey Susan I’m glad you enjoyed them. Hope your illustrating is going well.
Thanks for sharing your incredible talent. I looked forward to a new drawing everyday. But, I have to admit that I was heartbroken at the end. “We mourn deeply because we have loved so dearly.” Thanks again.
Hey Karen, As I was drawing the illustrations and getting into the story, I thought oh no this is going to be sad. But I loved the story of friendship and devotion and I loved drawing the elephant.