The left side of our brain wants to label things. That is a tree and this is how you draw a tree. And so you draw a triangle with a rectangle stump and your left brain says that looks good. Now paint it green. Your right brain is left not quite satisfied. Your right brain is looking at the shape the tree actually is. Our right brain is looking at the variety of edges, the angle that the wind is causing the trunk to grow and wait a minute, the color is not the green straight out of the tube. There might be some red popped in there. We need to look to see what is actually there.
Its the same way with people. We want to put them in nice groups with nice little labels. But if you take the time to really look and see, you see the beauty that lies within. That beauty comes from looking in there eyes and getting to know what lies inside. It takes time when we can’t just lump people into a group and walk on by. You get to know them as individuals. It takes some effort but the rewards are great.