© 2022 SherryMeidell.com

The artwork on this website is copyrighted to the artist Sherry Meidell and may not be used without the express permission of the artist.

Wolf Watchers watercolor on paper by Sherry Meidell


My watercolor painting, “Wolf Watchers” will join the 2018-2019 Utah Watercolor Society Traveling Exhibition. First stop will be the Utah State Capitol Building from June 2, 2018 – August 20, 2018. It is a great show and worth taking the time to check it out.

My husband and I were traveling through Yellowstone National Park when we saw a gathering of people on the top of a knoll. They had spotting scopes and cameras. The air was filled with excitement as the group scanned the distance for wolves. You could feel the energy. I wanted to capture that excitement with watercolor.

The attention was so focused on the distant view, that I thought a wolf could walk right past them and they would never see it. One of the ladies said that happened a few weeks before. A lone wolf had walked up the draw right next to the group.

I tried to capture the excitement of the day by using angles and body language and I had to put the wolf in the picture. Below is the sketch that I did for the painting. I did a color study for the painting and when I added the white at the end , the painting pulled together. So I kept the whites in mind and left them as I painted the painting.

Sketch for Wolf Watchers

You can read more about the Utah Watercolor Society’s traveling exhibition at www.heritage.utah.gov-2018 Utah Watercolor society.


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